Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happens for a Reason

Maybe for a reason we know and perhaps, we didn't know..

As we embrace the entry of yet another fruitful year, life will transpire again into new horizons. We've met people who tagged along us through thick and thins. Family and good peers to whom we've counted on for countless moments. Everyone who has made boundless changes and has given us opportunities to catch on from what life has to offer. All linked up into one.

Everything happens for a reason. We may not share the same understanding for now but on purpose it's only God who knows. The Lord permits the key to some people to way enter our lives because He knows we will learn from their marked footsteps. He has the matchless ability to assemble puzzle pieces together than we can ever comprehend. Likewise to such things that we are often blindfolded to, unless we recognize them by our hearts.

So let us unleash ourselves from those heartaches and rivalries. Allow the unceasing love and forgiveness be enfolded unto us and to every precious being for a brand new beginning. Au Revoir 2012. Bonjour 2013!

P.S. Granted Octoberian graduate next year plus braces before the year ends. Mission papers possibly in less than two years, I can feel youuu!! (And btw it's David Archuleta's Birthday tomorrow, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAAAY!)

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Time Has Come When We Are Called to Serve!

I was exactly thrilled just like everyone else when I first heard of the big news President Thomas S. Monson has said in the General Conference concerning the lowering of the age requirement for missionary service. Eighteen for brothers and nineteen for sisters. How young they are! I will be turning nineteen this month so as hearing the bombshell made me feel really eager to go yet anxious, as much as I felt the excitement.

The matter affects me very much leading to changing of plans, because I am seriously one of those women who's enthusiastically looking forward to serve on a mission granted by opportunity and great desire. I know it is not our responsibility and sisters aren't required to go as much as for the brothers but I really feel the need to go, in fulfillment of some tasks and for more spiritual development too. Personally, missionary work will make me more mature and responsible in preparation for motherhood. :)))))))

Knowing the fact that soon I will already be qualified, I couldn't help but feel a bit pressured though I know I shouldn't in the first place because the declared thing was just an option and that we weren't forced to go immediately just because of the new changes made. The decision will still be based upon personal readiness, sincere prayers and the inspired advice from our respective parents and local leaders.

One of the things that concerns me today is my study. Presently I am in my third year having just one and a half more years left until the graduation. So that will be on March 2014 plus the taking of the board exams on July with results to be announced on late September maybe? Ahhh I will be turning twenty one that time, probably foreseeing I'd leave on 2015? I think that's already too long for me to wait when I can go right away on my nineteenth! Where's the purpose there anyway when the prophet has set lower the age and that I'd still be pursuing on my late twenties! As a matter of fact, across the world where there aren't the same educational systems (here in the Philippines setting we just only have four years in the secondary and after that will proceed to the tertiary level, unlike in the other countries where they have junior and senior high etc.), it will really be inevitable for the able brothers or sisters to leave their college studies first and choose to go if that's the case. Generally the students with ages eighteen/nineteen in our country are already in their college years.

Worried am I, we can never tell what is yet going to happen with the chance and desire after all if I'd set aside missionary work. You know what I mean.. work, perhaps love life (lol), and all that etc. =P We all know that. Haha! So would it be best for me to serve as earlier as next year and leave everything in behind or get my Nursing degree first? Woah. Mind blown.

The second thing is the preparation needed. I am not yet that prepared to carry on. But with months equivalent to a semester, I think that would be enough so I could go on by next year. *CLAPS!!* Had the new age demand revealed earlier, I must have been ever ready than before. I feel for all the young sisters of my age all over the world who also have been planning to serve! We feel the same bolt of joy and shock readily offered right in front of us. We can choose to commit to it now or just let it be until we are ready.

Dunno but I hope the target and tentative date would be on nearly 2013 that fast after this upcoming second semester, or at least before I turn twenty. :P The Lord will provide for me if I'm going to choose serving Him first. I'm too excited for this! Glad to witness the stewardship young brothers and sisters will do and share with to bring forth the gospel! :D

Here's the actual video announcement posted by various church-related fan pages I just saw on Facebook:

P.S. My brother currently serving in the mission field was the first one who encouraged me to go on a mission too as soon as I am ready! Who else would prompt me?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Billow of a Girl's Demands

Normally every teenage girl wishes to have a certain lifestyle where she can buy and get everything she wants. Go to such astonishing places that no one has ever been before, or just wherever her hankering would take her precious feet to. Loves being adored and complimented. Fetched up in the list, the stereotype must have that "boyfriend" who she thinks would meet her expectations to also achieve a perfect relationship.

Girls like surprises. Little cute things absolutely catch their attention! Gals do get jealous and insecure. Afraid of being rejected and turned down (Like who wants to?). They oftentimes need assurance, want to be comforted most of the time. They go oh-so-crazy to awe-inspiring creatures! Dainty are the velvety-inspired collections, lacy and ethereal motifs that look exquisite to the eyes of each lady. Girls want to look beautiful. They have high demands for shoes, bags and dresses and to anywhere the word "SALE" there is. Sometimes the taste also depends upon her ideals, whether it be girly or not. Yet in every woman's heart are the things which naturally go the way as they are.

But would those make everything so typical?

Speaking of, I find those qualities to be true. Just like I said, normally every girl feels the same way too. I've felt and dreamed all of those things as well. Once in a while I'm like that and here and there not. But I also do my best to divert that mentality into something much more significant that I should do. As I grow up, I can suddenly realize quite there are things that don't have to be or just couldn't be paired up perfectly in one's preferred living just to come up with what isn't available, or plainly because she wants it that way. You'll know it as you grow up and start to think a little mature. But I don't generalize. We all live in different norms in life. That person may be happy with that, the other one might not be glad with how it goes. It's totally different.

You just have to let it and understand the wisdom there you really don't have to get everything you want in life and they won't always go the way you want them to be. At some point, you're better off without them.

Maybe it's not for you now, probably sooner or never. Not all that you wish could be given to you because you want it. There will be times you'd feel unimportant to the society and that you are incapable. You may not be treated or given the rarest of the opportunities like those that for a royal princess or just do what an ordinary girl likes to do and wants to feel. But what else could be comelier than a woman though born with disabilities, burdens and imperfections yet girded up with the love of God, the trust and confidence of her family and friends in her as the basis of strength that keep her going? Sweet. It's something extraordinary.

Materialistic possessions? It's alright to aspire them as long as you live within your means, you use them in a good purpose and you don't get too vain. Wearing nice and clean clothes that are presentable enough is fine as it is part of a person's personality. Occasional purchasing of stuff is okay if it won't get off the limit. But nah, still they wither away and you cannot take them with you in the next life. Dreaming of a perfect boyfriend? A perfect relationship could also be defined when the two of you are completely opposites yet you can handle each other very well. Remember, opposites attract. That's where the spark is! :)) However why not dream instead of a worthy eternal companion who will marry you for eternity and together with your children will live in your home sweet home *giggles*. A fair and flawless body? The beauty of a person who has a kind and ginormous heart is definitely beyond compare to any physical attractiveness.

Anyhow girls are girls created to bring about color and vibrancy everywhere! Let's always send off charm in our own good and uplifting way! ;)

~ Btw I know that even though how much I try I can't be Edward Cullen's girlfriend instead of Bella to climb me up the tallest tree. I'd never have a Bumblebee car transforming into a robot for real. Will not have pets who could talk endlessly like Garfield and Scooby-Doo. See? You can't really get all that you want! =P 

But the hope suddenly returns.. Could I possibly be David Archuleta's girl when he finally comes back from his mission? Kidding!!! :D ~

Random thoughts >>> Let the poll roll in our minds!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Girls, Because We Need to Know This

(FYI: Days and weeks and months have gone by so quickly not long enough till the end of the year. We've all been busy doing things right every now then, going there and somewhere to fulfill what we've been given to accomplish. It has been a while since I have written my last post here. Haven't updated this blog that much unlike before and I don't know if I could still in the next months. Zzzzz torn in between the desire to get through with my labors and the need to unwind..)

So last night I was really supposed to bang on my pillows and close shut my eyes when I saw this on my dashboard panel lined up in a scroll of pages. Mind was hardly weighing thoughts if this would be worth watching though 'cause I was really feeling sleepy and dead tired then. You know, just in case it wouldn't help and nothing to do with anything anyway. Since this video would take almost twelve minutes plus the another time allotment for the loading part (Pardon me for a slow internet connection -__-) I doubted if wasted, should have been spent as an additional time for me to get myself ready to sleep.

But doubts were just doubts. Glad I followed my instincts. Hihi :) Here's why with no regrets. This post is more for the girls. ;)

It feels good to know that these LDS men support the women regarding their womanly values and standards that seem misunderstood and transformed by the world. Worthy Priesthood Holders who believe, look instead in a woman's virtue which is most dear, and help us stand for what we believe in give us the encouragement to always strive to become our best each day and live worthy of ourselves as Daughters of God. Likewise to be married in the Temple for time and eternity with the man who also shares the same standards.

Girls may be trying to always look pretty and charming to guys most of the time (Boys, sometimes it's just part of our nature! :P), but such young men candidly reveal that real beauty has already been seen when we just act around true to our identity, with those kind gestures and happy cheerful faces in town! That free and young spirit! <3 Girls, we neither always have to spend the whole day shopping for the most fabulous and pricey clothes in stores to fill in our closets nor try to catch up with the latest makeovers in star-studded salons, but just by being the way we are whom God expects us to be, that is when we are most beautiful.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Raising the Torch of Virtue

Today we live in a world where unholiness reaches its maximum limit and goodness merely becomes a task of choice. Seldom or incessantly, a natural man will tend to get carried away with the vain traditions of the world, even too much that he'd start seeking after riches, power and dominion, execute immorality while forgetting the real reason why he exists on earth in the first place. Virtue seems to find its place down in the bottom of the list.

I've been wondering how in these kinds of grips, we might fall away down into the trap of the enemy's cunning tactics. This situation I see as something really serious and at times isn't given attention particularly to those who are abundant in terms of temporal things, ahead of when it comes to authority, individuals who take their blessings for granted and practice selfish living, who still indulge themselves in unrighteous doings even though they already have known when much is given much is required, and even all the citizens whether wealthy or poor who are entitled to live. Still despite any social status, all of us should be aware of. Yet as young as my age, I am starting to see just like every other on how even the little things of what we think are just fairly ordinary and wouldn't have much effect in our lives, are those that actually being triggered into bigger ones. Everything starts with a single thread.

A lot of people made their steps toward my observation and thinking. I have seen differences and similarities in emotional attributes, and even part of the spiritual viewpoints based on personal interactions -- and how those variables affect for instance the way a person will live his life. Many left a great impact that made me admire them wanting to change for the better, and some others brought me into a more deeper understanding of the consequences of rather undesirable actions, of which it already relies in my decision if I will choose to do or not. Since we all have this free agency to choose right from wrong, we are indeed accountable of ourselves for whatever we'll think and do. Every single little thing would bring to pass greater things. So as when acting virtuously sets in our minds, it'll create a bigger picture of us spreading the light of Christ and touching and changing the hearts of thousands of lives. We need virtue.

"Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God." (D&C 121:45)

I know that just as we become more closer to God, the pressure of trials and temptations to us also increases. Why and how? The enemy will release more power than he only did before to also reach the level of our present and newly gained spiritual strength, that he may be able to tempt us again in just another way which he thinks he could possibly gain victory over. If he wasn't being successful in this strategy, maybe he'd use that and that next time. That's not all, the adversary works 24/7 not in a convenient store but to bring about an inconvenient you. With the reasons to make us miserable like unto himself, thus will prevent us from getting high on a spiritual ground and not a chance we'll accomplish the responsibilities the Lord has given us.

Would we ever allow that lonesome thing to happen? Of course we don't want to! We may stumble down at times but we always have the hope to be cleansed once again through repentance. God knows our weak spots and potentials and every story in the whole universe, so how come He doesn't know the way out of our troubles? He knows and He is aware of it! His arms are wide open waiting to receive us if we'll seek Him with sincere and humble hearts. Trust in Him and He will make us whole. How merciful and loving is our Heavenly Father.

In connection to asking help for a virtuous living, I testify that God hears our prayers. We may not know or be answered right away at the moment we want the immediate reply, but if we'll take time to listen to the still small voice and spend some clock trying to get in tune with the spirit in peaceful and quiet opportunities, we will. I've felt that very comforting feeling for several times already telling the inside of me that everything will be alright, and that all is well, whenever I ask my Heavenly Father to help me overcome tons of daily challenges. Yes, the process of getting through is sometimes really hard. To swirl away problems is not what I do ask, but for the strength and courage to endure for I have understood that life itself is full of roses with thorns and we couldn't do anything to change that, everyone is meant to experience hardships in the mortal life in order to be perfected. Unless we redirect our paths to follow the Savior, we will rather know how we can come up our best out of those trials. Try to focus on the other side of it where more spiritual development will instill once we surmount. It will make everything to us more clearer.

Definitely our virtue is tested whenever we encounter stumbling blocks and pitfalls along the way. How would we know in ourselves that faith, hope, charity, patience, forbearance, humility, endurance and so on are that essential and effective in conquering such storms and tornadoes if we haven't experienced yet applying them in our lives? And trials, will prove us that they are, until we finally raise our torches of virtue.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stand in the Midst

It's because you're simply amazing for who you are! The worldly trend won't make you get on top of everything. Nor it would recognize your divine beauty. Watch out. Don't let it dictate you for who you're supposed to be! God made you unique, so love that uniqueness in you. Never settle your standards for anything less than of eternal worth, do the right even if you think everyone around you is doing wrong. Follow your own big and shining star. Follow the Creator. Make yourself a role model to the world through living a virtuous life. For such a time like this, our generation needs forces of strong holds who will represent the Lord!

Dare to stand out. The more you're different, the more people can wonder.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Give it B-R-I-O

We may run out of good vibes and sometimes will drive us nuts, if we look upon this as a burden or restriction from raveling into a perfect pleasure. This may also take us long before we finally decide to hit the pillows every night and acquire those whopping eye bags, whether we like it or not (c'mon let's admit it, we're more into the "not like it" side! haha) O.O. Requires you to give at least the1/4 years of your life span or else, there's a little chance of you getting ahead of anything. But if you take the every moment enjoying this thing like you really have accepted the fact that studying is part of your nature all over, cheers! You're darn lucky 'cause it's dang crazy. How d'ya do that? LOL! :))))

These present couple of days I am having a hard time doing some time management. It's not because I am loaded with a bunch of school works or what (though we still do), in fact I only have some minor adjustments to get nerves with this semester and the thing that merely drains my system is when we only have clinical duties every week. Plus the quizzes and case presentations (if there are). Not that bad of course, but the next sem will be tougher and busier for me coz I'd be a regular student at last. July will soon drop off the line, and this month gave me several free days. All throughout I only have classes every Tuesdays and Wednesdays and just some regular day meetings when we need to finalize a case presentation. Uh huh. Yet I find it harder for me to adjust. Oh why? Why? I am aware of what I should necessarily do especially when reviewing for the exams. I do them but just whenever I'm halfway there to finish and I see something that totally catches my attention and curiosity, I get distracted. Haha me thinks, "I'll go over that thing first and let alone what I'm currently doing be done after a while!" So obvious that pressure is the result at the end of the pursuit. The more or less I have things to accomplish and the more I have vacant time to spare, the more I also stick to the idea of procrastinating them. Oh forgive me for this, eating all the time is also one of my bodily disorders. That hobby eats away my time! Heh I don't know but I get hungry easily everytime. I starve to the nth level when I'm only depressed. Wonderin' why, when I study my lessons I get a grumpy stomach? Therefore I conclude that studying is depression. \m/ :P

Woah. I dunno if those make sense to be written here. Very random and straightforward to say in my part :)) I procrastinate as much as I love to learn :> Oh well hit me on the head big time! But I seriously need to repent because I tend to idle away my time sometimes. And so, repentance shouldn't be procrastinated. First things first! Detour and change for the better. That's a pinky promise to my two little fingers! :)

Here I am with some block mates getting lost off our different worlds because we do case pres and we study hard! We're industrious students you know. Nail that part haha! And btw, I don't really intend to boast here of what I've done.. :( But I just can't believe and I'm just proud of myself, the result of my hardworking days.. :"> I still got a high prelim grade in my major subject despite of. That surprised me. :") Anyway thanks to my added incentive points from joining other school activities! Hahaha. Need to double the effort, diligence and perseverance. And of course, always remain faithful to the Lord. Keep your head high but feet on the ground! School matters. Five callings in the church. Home responsibilities. I can do y'all with the help of my Heavenly Father who strengthens me! :D

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Do Something Else. Or Else..

Surely you weren't created for the purpose of having to portray a replica of how your best friend shows his humor, not a bit to impress others by perfectly imitating on how the most popular girls in school do their hairdos and make-ups and that, and those. So why waste time comparing and messing up the whole lot of your self-esteem making trouble what others can do with what you can only do? Or might get lost nowhere with what the people around are bringing about today that you're probably doing too/not doing for the rest of your life?

The answer would be it will be much better if we live our own good pursuits independently away from the you gotta be like that or you should have been like them pressure that would only complicate and destroy the peace in our inner beings. Rowdy voices that are very distracting! Zzzzzz. Snares and gambits that will only divert your right focus to rubbish things. We were distinctly created from each other ever since the world began. Remember? Apparently there were two separate beings, Adam and Eve. Noah was commanded to build an ark. Moses upon the power of God was able to divide the Red Sea for a great purpose. Just like them, we were given different tasks to carry out. Believe in your capacity and don't ever forget to make the best out of it! And please, stop being bothered every now and then that your seatmate's cheating tactics to answer the test questionnaires would lessen your probability of passing the exam. Just because you didn't cheat. Nope.

My dear friend, let us always remember that the only way to succeed is to not worry about what anyone else is doing. What a great principle we can marvel in ourselves. Let us go on and face challenges without an atom of confusion that this life run, is definitely not an Olympic track of you-and-your-fellow competition. If  we choose to get ourselves an eye of being more concerned with what everyone is doing that needs help for improvement, rather than getting affected or conscious of what others might think or the drawbacks and deficiencies that we might observe, this world will be a much better place to live in! Imagine an environment with no envy and "crab mentality." Look beyond a sphere where heartaches, rivalries and hatred have no place to dwell in. How d'ya feel about it? Isn't it perfect like we're living up above clouds embraced by Heaven's love? 

When you're contented and happy with the sole intention of lending your time, effort and talents by helping and serving others, you'll always feel good about yourself. You will become closer to Heavenly Father in a way that you'd only understand if you engage in doing selfless acts. The sweet spirit will radiate in your countenance. Through your glowing light and example, your personal strength could be the source of others' strength too. As you do so, they will see that BIG HEART in you. In that case, you can become an instrument of change in bringing upon the light of the torch to those who are being drawn back from spiritual hunger. With God, nothing is impossible and everything is possible.

So why don't we try minding instead what anyone else is doing, that we should have been doing also so we can become blessings to the lives of others too? Let's rather think about it. :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

The One Big Rule

One of the most priceless possessions one could ever garner in self is the ability to be obedient. With obedience, you are patient at the same time. It is a one way process. Those two qualities get along very well.

The world may be bound into an endless stream of busy streets full of deafening chatters, hassles and blatant noises, that can possibly run down a person's reverent mind. Sounds gross right? But that's the plain truth. Everywhere, in all the corners, may it be alongside or is just fleeting right in front of you, there will always be a situation when your patience to obey is in a major nuisance to be tested. And your initial reaction once encountered will determine the level of how far your temperance keeps you going.

We may differently show how we will respond into that particular test. Out of the midst, however a sown reward is waiting for you to reap only if you let yourself harbor what God has in store for you. Patience and obedience require much self-control and forbearance even in the smallest details of what we are ought to do all the way. We may sometimes feel like giving up, undeniably it's part of the quest. From the simplest occasions we might tend to murmur and complain with the reason we aren't perfect, right? Yet, have we ever rendered ourselves the question, if we know that one of the purposes why we are here on earth is to become perfect just like our Savior Jesus Christ, how come we rationalize that being imperfect human beings could totally compensate our divine roles as subject to perfectionism? If we always keep on justifying our faults in behalf of our disfigurements and frailties, instead of accepting our flaws and do act than react for the better, do we realize that half or perhaps all of the blessings that we could have been enjoying now primarily come from our choice to obey? Basically, you can perfect your weaknesses too and turn them into strengths if you obey what is right.

Obedience needs personal sacrifices. A sacrifice requires patience to do whatever is necessary for the good. And patience, is essential for us to remain obedient despite life obstacles, in order for us to wholly harvest the fruit of labor out of our sacrifices -- combined all in all bring forth blessings.

Same as well, it could be a tool to determine if we are in the deserving position to receive them. We may knock on to our Heavenly Father to grant us the things that we need the most. On purpose, those might not be instantly given to us. But this shouldn't be a reason to get discouraged. At a point, time requires us to wait until God has finally proven we are patient enough to acquire what we have been asking for. The level of your obedience would also figure out the chances of you, having the blessings. The logic is just simple. If you obey, you will be blessed. If you don't, you have no promise.

"One of the greatest blessings man has is the opportunity to be obedient. All of our blessings flow from obedience."

Obedience is the "First Law in Heaven." To obey is a "One Big Rule" to follow!

He is the source of all wisdom. Sure the Lord knows everything. Including what is best for us. He often permits such things we never expect to happen that will work out in His own purpose and due time. Neither we should question, nor to complain. Let us all be subjected to His will. Only if we separate ourselves from the dwindling outside forces and trust in the Lord with all our heart, might, mind and strength, we are always assured of the surest and best way to handle out things around us. When we rest in our Father in Heaven's hands, we are always safe. :)

P.S. I wrote choosing this topic because I was inspired and prompted to do so. Shortcomings have also hit me which I must work upon. I know that writing down my thoughts here would serve as a basis, a constant reminder. Above are some of the things that I am continually striving to perfect, still.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Chronicles of a Nursing Student

'Cause I felt the urge to write today. A flock of exams and school requirements may be hindering my desire to put down again my thoughts here, but it will never prevail. I promise if I'd ever be granted a vacant time to spare in anytime of the week, I'll do so. Today, on Thursday and Friday I am free. (What to do, what to do?) =)

Last week was hectic

Last week my schedule was really bulged out busy. We had our duty at San Lazaro Hospital where communicable and infectious diseases can be found. Everyday of the week I had classes and clinical duties to go to and I had less likely time for myself and some under-the-sun activities other than school-related stuff. Full blown! I even felt as if I was being banned to get a complete beauty rest and acquire personal privileges, lol. Most probably because I haven't experienced yet been given a 5-day duty and a class after until 9:30 pm since I started studying Nursing. I mean I wasn't being used to that thing. Prior we had hospital duties in my past school for six days only in every other month and a class that'd end up until 7pm only, unlike in my new school now, ours are continuous. Though they seem like odds, I find everything very helpful to me. Through this kind of breaking experience, I will be able to learn whether I like it or not to manage my time wisely, value the importance of mastering the course very well, and to what I think is the most important, this would give way to the acknowledgment of more learning opportunities to get myself more familiarized with such skills and practices. Just so you know I love my new school and my NCM buddies as well! They're all pretty awesome. :)

This week's agenda

No classes for today and I gotta gimme a break! *confetti bangs and blasts!* Hihi. I know I shouldn't have celebrated because this is just the starting line for the long run still, more and more are coming as time's getting nearer till we finally take up the board exam. (I can feel the pressure is comiiiiing in about a year and a half from now!) Haha. But just for the mean time, I make use of this day to get freed and take off worries <3. Who would be able to concentrate in reviewing chapters of mind-wracking lessons if you, aren't in the mood enough to understand what your professor keeps on saying and pinpointing in the class? Let's just say in a nutshell, I have a class tomorrow and an exam too, and I haven't flipped yet a single thing in my handouts. Not just in my best condition to do that now and maybe I'd pursue later if the mood strikes. Oh well what a very "hardworking" and "industrious" student am I. :l  =))

And btw, I may not be exerting the effort to study or what today but certainly not wasting time here, just so you know. I cleaned the house and arranged home ornaments. Folded the clothes in the drawer and put in order the cluttered items I just discovered under my bed (what on earth I haven't figured and sorted out those mess like for decades already). I've read a number of wonderful and remarkable blog posts I found in the web and learned something to work upon self for the better. Poked a friend on Facebook, and checked out the blog/site/page of my crush. HAHA! Plus, I still managed to cook and prepare the "delicious" dinner last night even though I was really dead tired from school. Ever wondering what should be indicated in your things-to-do list so you'll end up the day real productive? See mine. I hope those count. ;P

What about the next week?

Back to the main topic again. Of course what will you expect? Next week is again another week of clinical duties to roam into starting on July 2 - 6 at Philippine Orthopedic Center, a place where the human bones live up their lives. Hehe. And perhaps, another set of tests too. I cross my fingers not to commit a health crime there. We'll be handling patients with both mild and severe fractures etc. and as usual not again a place for the clumsy and careless like dragged out of nowhere. Woah. Although sometimes just the thought of yourself taking over some serious health issues where the person's life depends on you, it could make you go nervous and uneasy. Just saying, in my part. Maybe for the others too.

Yet whatever is the circumstance or situation there is, you should always be ready, attentive and alert to everything your clinical instructor or the doctor will instruct you to do. Being a registered/prospective nurse, it is your responsibility to be at all times aware of your client's needs and health status. You are part of the health team advocate, so you need to be well-oriented regarding proper care giving and management. "I am a NURSE. I help save lives. I make a difference." -- Haha, the quotation written on my white baller bracelet.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

No Age Limit

I used the title "No Age Limit" because surely self-development doesn't only stop in just a particular age. Our sense of well beings continue to grow throughout time.

Spare just another roundup. I took over a glance at again and this caught my attention. Haha now I can feel I am suddenly becoming a secret fan of this blog. Sure I will because the posts there are all jam-packed with sense and wisdom. Truth be told, there are so many precious truths shared on that site one can dig up on self.

Gotta love the message it sends off. Don't hesitantly rush into things and just let matters go with the flow in their proper adjustments. Enjoy the teenage years while you still can.Younger is me today. Soon as I get older, I'll get much better with age. More firm and strong, responsible and spiritually matured. Take it from the author. Good night! :*

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rainy Season is Love

This picture at the back of my mind made me whoop like "Awwwwww, I really like this one! I'm gonna post this too on my blog!" Saw this at   

I take time to do a blog post again before classes and hospital duties will merely start in about five days. Oh darn. Haven't prepared well all the stuff I will be needing soon. Thought of several hundred, maybe as many as a thousand that the clinical duty would way enter my life again on July (that's already fine with me like I'd still have a month or more to adjust and recover from the vacation days..) But then I have to throw out my perfectly bad guesses and for goodness sake not to screw up on the actual day.

And so! What I am talking about isn't kind of related to the illustration above. Sorry! Off the crap and lols.. I got carried away *Pheeeuuw* Okay and I honestly like people who smile when it's raining. But please bear with me. I am not good at it, no doubt and just kidding aside. I'll try to smile (like, e?). :X

Or perhaps sharing the same heartstrings must be the better explanation to this.. On why I like "rain-people" and what do I know on how they could still manage to smile even if the unstoppable rain would only cause them to be stuck up inside the house the whole day. It has a good point sometimes like when you're good in wishing that school should get cancelled anyway, or you just simply wanna have a socially accepted and valid reason of excusing yourself from going to an undesired appointment. Whether it'd rain or shine, you won't still go out. Just enjoy the pleasure of staying in your home sweet home. Teehee, you tricky and lame, teehee! However the fever of ever, the feeling is still mutual. Got it just right maybe because I am obviously like one of those people sometimes hahaha. :D

I so love rainy seasons. Seriously, am in love with tiny raindrops, cool breezes, dew and the colorful rainbow after it. All just purrrrfect! Need I say more? 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reaching Out

"And I can't stop, don't know how to stop thinkin' of you 
And I'll do anything, do anything to be near you... "

The first line is the refrain of the song. His voice has always been categorized as the calmest one. Last night I retired down on my comfy blankets and cushioned pillows lending my ears to listen to his songs like I pulled an all-nighter. I even overslept with my earphones on 'till the next morning that resulted to my phone battery drained. Perhaps, a lullaby has finally taken it's door towards each one's heart.

This week has become very busy and fast paced lately. We've been doing a lot of both paper works and media presentation about a recently held church activity. First day of school is soon to approach and preparation is yet to take place. Tides were turned up and I needed to add enough fuel in the fire. I just wanted to unwind and be freed from all loads. To snip away from the weight of all for a while, David's songs are the perfect matchmakers to rise up the low mood-o-meter. I mean, get high and alive once more through listening to his music! Lol. :)) 

These days I don't anymore feel like I'm falling head over heels "in love" with him unlike before. The younger years.. Gotcha! HAHA. Things change. They come and go. So am I.  Though the fanatic part is still there, I just got ticked off the over-asdlfkwxkszs portion.  Avid am I, I know in some ways like downloading songs and sparing a bit of time writing a blog entry about this, especially admiring his great example as a Latter-day Saint. Yes before we went to David's concerts and some mall tours because the activity areas were just nearby and wouldn't particularly affect our time with school or church. That's all, but more than that, not your so-typical fan girl who collects super stuff like a bunch of posters, key chains, mugs and more.. Considering with no offense to others, that's being too much I think. Be farther up crazy and chances are I could become vain and idolatrous. Don't really want that to happen forever and ever. I am not just that way! It's against the law, you know. :))

So the song was entitled "Reaching Out" of course of Archuleta's version. Dunno who had originally sung it but be as it may, the lyrics are so good and fit for every love story either for the teens or even oldies. Also, that's one of my favorite renditions in his Forevermore Album Soundtrack. Enjoy and let our hearts reminisce the late vanity of the love month season, February. Hello June! :))

P.S. I gotta play this on the piano! *Fingers crossed*
XOXO :")))

Monday, June 4, 2012

Food for Thought from Elder and Sister Ardern

That earnest realization when you suddenly felt the strong conviction of improving for the better because of the Holy Ghost. Positive mind blown. It happened to me during the 3-day serene Youth Conference held last May 31 - June 1 & 2, '12 at Hacienda Darasa Tanauan, Batangas.

Though still had the most of the exciting experiences in every activity provided, I'd give the specific point to the devotional day.

The presence of the Holy Spirit I felt was so strong that I uncontrollably shed tears as I attentively listened to Elder Ian and his wife Sister Paula Ardern's talks (E. Ardern was sustained a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has been serving as a member of the Eighth Quorum of the Seventy in the Pacific Area. Source is from Plus accompanied by a special song presentation rendered by one of the wards, it totally gave a bursting shimmer of distinct spiritual identity. They both spoke about matters concerning the common dilemmas and their curatives, wonderful advice and thoughts of wisdom -- the youth of the church should know, understand and be aware of.

We weren't the perfect machines that could stick up piles of data in mind one at a time for so long, so I brought with me a pen and paper and took down some notes I knew will really be helpful, hoping to remember them all the time. Mainly one of the reasons why I did that is to leave something of what I have been learning in life and put them in this blog. I want to be always reminded of the things that are dear more important. This is more like of recording life thoughts and events we should be doing that prophets and other church leaders are counseling the members. They will be very useful. Here they are.


1. The 6 Be's: Be Thankful. Be Smart. Be Clean. Be True. Be Humble. Be Prayerful. -- Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
2. Those who honor God, God will honor.
3. If you do your best in school, Heavenly Father will send you the Holy Ghost to be smart.
4. Work hard.
5. To be clean, you make sure you are morally clean.
6. Being immoral will only bring you misery.
7. Cleanliness is Happiness.
8. Keep the Commandments so you can be blessed.
9. To be true, remain in your covenants.
10. Being humble means you're willing to learn.
11. Being humble means you're willing to serve others.
12. Say to yourself, "I will be that someone who listens to what my Father in Heaven says."
13. When you are humble, you are teachable.
14. We are most humble when we are in bended knees.
15. What we have to do first in the morning is to take time to pray.
16. Prayer is an opportunity to show God we are thankful.
17. A prayer doesn't necessarily need to be long, it must be sincere and comes from a humble heart.
18. Our Heavenly Father wants you to be successful so that he has given you opportunities to learn.
19. Don't settle for anything less than eternal.
20. If you don't have the vision in mind, you won't be there.
21. Poverty is not a barrier to opportunity.
22. Think of what you want to become and put it in a vision. Then act upon it.
23. Be thankful to your Mom and Dad. Show them a "Thumbs-up."
24. Don't expose yourself to the world of rubbish things such as spending a lot of time watching TV and forgetting your responsibilities etc.
26. There are so many things to be grateful for! Your life, family, good friends and the blessing of knowing the true gospel.
27. Part of your ability to overcome adversities is by doing the 6 Be's. ;)

And for some additional lines: The following were the three questions Elder Ardern asked a young man who wished to marry his daughter. Oh well this thing is kind of applicable to every father and future son-in-law conversation.

1. Did you serve a mission?
2. Do you honor your priesthood?
3. Will you treat my daughter like a queen? (Aww, that was sooooo sweet!) :")

(So girls, now we too can know what are the qualifications we should look upon when choosing the right man to marry for time and eternity. Many thanks to E. Ardern! :D)

Everything was just all we needed to know. Through a pronouncing church leader comes the voice of the Lord declaring unto us timely revelations and we should obey them. Act well in thy part. Heavenly Father will surely make way for the people who are striving and doing the things that He commissioned them to do. Every individual has his own drought and bounty to face. Blessings and trials are equally divided for every person. You might be slipping off along the road due to unexpected tragedies. One could be taking steps up in the ladder because of his consistent determination. Part of our mortal journey, right? Such ups and downs where everyone is meant to get along with. Yet each thing doesn't end in just one turn. Certainly, life is a long way to run!

"Give yourself a pat on the shoulder!" from Elder Ardern's remarks. "What you chose above, already determined that you were a winning Son/Daughter of God even in the pre-existence. And the battle is just continuing here."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nothing really is bugging on my nerves right now and I am in the good mood to yank open the borders. (Badum-badum-badum!) :))

So minutes ago, I was browsing some random stuff on the web hoping to discover something new and awesome. I wasn't able to find sorts of bizarre and strange scientific experimentation or prehistoric explorations, but above is what I found out. Brought into the world of quotations and sayings!

As you can see the picture is just simple, a plain combination of black-colored font and white background. Yet gives an important reminder. This, I find amazing. How do I say so? Take a look at it. There aren't any other logos or longer paragraph statements that imply but just the pure profound phrases and a single heart symbol. Aside the main message it sends off, this also teaches me another valuable treasure to keep in mind:

Dearest Self,

Don't let things go more complicated. Life is much simpler if you also view it with an eye of simplicity and resolution. The smallest things often take the biggest portion of the heart, never lose track of those that matter the most and you will see the difference. Take a deep breath. Get freed from the bonds of heartaches and bitterness. Be clean. Refresh your mind from all heavy forces around. Appreciate and be grateful for everything you have now. Stay sweet, nice and smart. And of course, don't forget to always follow the dictates of your heart.. Whatever is right that makes you happy, go for it!

Jona :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dancing is Enhancing

Dancing is no way and will never be put in the line of old school practices. Ever since ages and olden times, it totally played part in the entertainment living and up until now it is being acted upon. 

When the grooving music automatically plays, may it be in formal social gatherings or just plainly casual occasions, expect the floors will always be yours. The ambiance of the event full of fun-loving people just feels like no one is being left down behind the corner, and that it naturally makes you go with the flow no matter what. Let alone your nagging boss and complaining client be forgotten under your desk in this hour of enjoyment. (Kidding!) *Winks* ;) Or unless, you are a serial-joy-killer who prefers missing the fun. That would surely mark the beginning of the CD player and stereo clashing! I hope not! Haha. :-O

Just for now, the spotlight on me. :))

Dancing had also been my passion ever since. The fondness to this great interest never failed to surprise me. I could describe it as an extraordinary obsession that didn't pass out the top ten list. 

When I was in my elementary days, I remember I joined a lot of dancing competitions. On school stage I was fortunate enough to perform the folk dances Carinosa and Pandanggo sa Ilaw, really thankful that I was given the chance to experience leading the foundation day dance number, and was granted the opportunity to tune in with so many church presentations like to participate in the Masskara, Mantones de Seda and for the second time around, Carinosa during our Jubilee Celebration. 

My purpose here is not to actually boast or whatever you may call that, in fact I am no longer able to do some dancing these days except only when needed. Really. Dunno what happened haha. Still I just wanna let everyone to know how doing this can really boost one's self-esteem and appreciate the art of cultivating and developing God-given talents. That this may also profit you and the others as you share to them your ability. (I beg for an excuse, I think my body is now in the process of retiring joint movements. Happens when you're getting old. Buwahaha!)

Because dancing is enhancing, here are my top three chosen types of dances that I wish I could really learn and do for the rest of my life:

Ballroom never stops to impress me! Love how the body moves gracefully and sway to the rhythm of the music . Very classy and elegant.

Who says being a girl is an excuse to do the extreme tumbling and fast-paced steps? Get in the world of Hip hop dancers! Watch me out! LOL
And to top the list, the ever-adored Ballet Dancing!  Maybe this is the perfect one for me for  I  have a superb amazement in the way how movements are executed in a gracious manner. Refined and sophisticated!

What a wonderful thing to dream of! Dancing also has the ability to express words through a variety of commotion. The body gestures portray as means of communication when words left unspoken. Likewise, a very good exercise regimen for everybody and could be a fat-losing procedure for those who wanna get slimmer.

Though only it is a "had been" thing for me now because as time flies by, my strong enthusiasm to pursue again is suddenly dropping off the line. Maybe it's due to the lack of consistency or hobbies redirected, probably. Yet looks like I badly want to relive dancing life again! Poor little girl, doesn't know how to do that well anymore. Eeeeeeeeeee. But if I would be given more chances, I still want to make it up once more.

So I may not be pushing my luck to hit on the dance floors in the present, yet I say why don't you give it try? Who knows maybe it's about time for you to show off behind the curtains and step on the spotlight circle where more confidence points await you. :)

P.S. I was inspired to write about this since we will be performing some ethnic dances again in a cultural show on the 25th of May. This will be a presentation for Elder Russell M. Nelson, an LDS apostle came from the US to visit the Philippines. And yeah, it's gonna be another epic moment for the youth of the church again! (Plus a Single Adult, present!) :D

Monday, May 21, 2012

Untitled Thoughts

I get control over such impending things now. Never will I let myself be lost and blinded from reaching within greater capacity just because of mine flaws and vulnerabilities. I have to admit I am once in a while a depositor of negative feelings, and I quite wipe out the bank of positive stuff. Yet knowing that doesn't mean I am a loser in this complicated game called life, nor I claim to be one. I strive to the nth level to always remain positive in spite daily knots.

Still another thought for the soul and give way to ponder. A great and incredible fighting spirit is necessary to survive the perilous times today. If you keep on thinking you are just a single blotted dust in this vast universe, it will start feeding your mind how unworthy you are to follow and catch after your dreams. Unless and only until you drag out those thoughts off yourself, that mentality will constantly keep on throwing failure stones at you. In case if that's just how you think of it. Expect the result: Zero-confidence-o-meter.

Thank God I am strong enough to conquer those forces of adversity for I have learned to love the beauty of my imperfections. If you only know me by name but not in nature, you might be having a hard time figuring this out. This may seem not too obvious for you to realize if it just happened that you only talked to me once and twice, or even thrice. Lol I kid I know I am being so corny right now. I can feel I am over reacting here. This is not actually a very serious issue like telling you I wanna die right now haha. Kidding aside, I still want to have my marriage contract on hand and children first before finally going down the grave. Hihi.

Some of my closest friends know my endeavors and I use to tell them my everyday story. Occasionally, doubts and fears and insecurities also hit my sleeves just like everyone else. Yet just as how I wish they can hear me out saying that deep down my bosom, I know comparison will never make a good difference but would only worsen the situation. I acknowledge myself for who I am, where I came from and I always make a stand to be held liable for my every decision. To sup from the cup of clarity, here are the details.

I know and won't deny I am just a simple girl with an average living. Status in life is counted in the middle-class. They say sweet, smart and talented. Gospel-oriented most especially. My immediate family doesn't belong to the rich class society, and even though we have a bunch of so wealthy relatives from the both sides, I don't develop self-pity or envy! Plain living is what makes me and I am proud of that. Jona is a city girl but not living the way like a typical city gal would most likely do. I mean I don't go with the flow of the latest fashion trends and I obey the dressing standards of our church. You know self-expression is absolutely at it's best when a woman grooms herself well and wears modest clothing. It's definitely one of the most basic things you need to do if you are in preparation to meet the Lord someday, face to face. Remember as a daughter of God, you can also become fashionable in your own way by choosing to follow the commandments of your Heavenly Father -- more unique and far from the world's huge icons and influences as it may seem.

Okay let's get started. :)) Since we all have our own little life surprises and worries (a normal thing), I need not to exclude myself from it. Truth be spoken, the only reason that causes all these dramas is just that a great curiosity suddenly booms in my head of what will happen today and in the future to come.. By that time I will reach the age of pure independence as an adult. Maybe in my 20's to be specific. Silly haha!

I bet everyone has put up the "What-if" type of questions even once in their lifetime. They inevitably act as part of our everyday dealings, most especially when you aren't sure enough of what will be the outcome. These are usually the commonly-asked questions by a person who needs double assurance. Sometimes those lame questions also tend to give a full blow of pessimism. Like.. "What if I am incapable of.. What if I will never and no longer.. What if I make the biggest mistake.. And more what if blah blah blah.." Then after will be followed next by thoughts, "What will happen then? What am I gonna do? How would I get through?" Only if what-ifs would be perceived as a mean of bringing out the best in a person instead of weighing troubles, how wonderful it is if they would be settled up tightly in our heads all day long hoping to get things straight. I think of that. I am at times one of the "What-if" people. Haha.

Even so, while there is a whole array of lightning thunders striking toward me, there is also a mishmash of tiny raindrops, sweet dew and colorful rainbows happily lingering on me. They are my ever awe-inspiring keepsakes that keep me going. Could be some rewarding experiences, something that has a sentimental value, or just simply the person who means the world to me! Dang, here we go again cheesy punchlines. You never fail to give me the bottom line in a one of a kind topic like this! Awkward. XD

Wait a minute, so it turns out I am speaking random and nonsense things already. You see I just make things more intricate without actually a sense of direction haha. Even I don't get enough of these vague and out-of-the-world ideas. Pardon me for your involvement with my so much teenage drama! They are not really profitable at all to the mankind. Hahaha. Perchance to be able to just meet the need of letting out random thoughts in an outlet, success! Anyhow that is also what blogging is basically for, right? For reflecting purposes. =D

Alright hands up! I have to concede I am already depriving you here the right to enjoy good blog readings. =X So for now everything ends here.

Untitled thoughts. Still the same. Nothing changed. (Sighs)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Beauty of God's Creation

Summer Vacation 2012 -- Visayas Getaway!
Antique. Aklan.

Touching a pinch of the tiny sand. Feeling inside the warmth of the beaming sunlight. Captivating the heart-warming scenery of a majestic mountain. Looking through the glimmer and spark of a twinkling giant star in a peaceful night. Walking by the shore of a deep blue sea with cool breezes brushing all over the senses. Everything I see provided around shows how immeasurable God's love is for me. Heavenly Father's beautiful and grand creation never fails to amaze me all throughout. I am an appreciator of the nature, animals, species and human beings. Every element made is essential, every detail has its own usage to fulfill His purpose.

Hey! :)) Photos above were courtesy of my phone because I wasn't able to bring a digicam when we left Manila for a while! I don't actually own a DSLR so be it there weren't pictures with closer mm ranges and blurred backgrounds haha. I was also a bit lazy to take some with adjacent views and perfect angles, perhaps due to my phone's lack of good zooming and focusing ability like of a pro cam. xD Or probably, because the nature surrounding was just too breath-taking that I didn't anymore mind to. Just enjoy everything the eyes can see! :DD However I think I could still use my press freedom for doing such (lol!), I was shortly taught aside writing concentration in our Journalism class during high school the different techniques and angles for taking snapshots like the rule of thirds, silhouette etc. But still no good photographer at all, I know! Hahaha. Plain landscape photos (plus some color edits). :)

Btw I already uploaded these on Facebook in an album. But just for the sake of having a new blog post, I put all of it here. :)) If you would see mostly were "sea" shots because our itineraries there were mainly places like beaches, falls and just a little of land (but look, I put a picture of the mountains I saw when I climbed up a hill). I even included a photo of some fresh fishes we caught when we were at the Maralison Island, Antique. Really sorry for this. :( Fishes and also the crabs, shrimps and shellfish should just understand that they were basically made and meant to be killed and be eaten by humans like me. Oh dear high-sources-of-iodine-and-protein-creatures. Most of the time their life span is depending on the fishermen sailing at the sea. They don't have the control over their lives on until when they will only live and will actually die! :'(( Saaaaaaaad. >.<


Anyway here's one of my all-time favorite primary songs entitled "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" which is about appreciating God's creation:


Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Hardest Job Is the Best Job in the world

They say being a mom is the hardest job in the world, yet the bestThis video in particular shows the reason why mothers are always given the honor in the society. Along with this Procter and Gamble commercial, I join in sustaining them and showing my sincerest gratitude and adoration to all the moms worldwide, who never fail to bring our homes sweet spirit and glad tidings. Hail to all the mothers and soon-to-be mothers (like me) in all the corners of the earth! Advance Happy Mother's Day! HAHA. :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Women of Virtue

This book is so incredible. The moment I first read the message/introduction of the author to the readers, I couldn't anymore let go of my hands from it, not a chance I'd keep off my eyes from apprehending every line and taking a glance to the next chapters. This is a must-read for the women all over who are struggling to find real heavenly beauty, and to those who were unfortunately held captured to the luring trap of the latest fashion trends and tempting ways of the vain world. Revealing tops and skirts, extreme use of cosmetics, fancy golds and diamonds, and everything that money can buy, can only make you look pleasingly in the superficial eyes of the crowd, not of the Lord.

"To a virtuous woman of God, beauty is something that is felt far more than it is seen." 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Who Needs to be Polished?

The word "polish." According to a dictionary reference on the internet I found its literal meaning: to make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing of friction; to render finished, refined or elegant. While some may interconnect this word for the use of objects, I might as well use this but not for the sake of polishing my nails or the floor with a wax. Neither to burnish the brass doorknob or to embellish my face like banged with synthetic beauty products. Instead, I will be talking about something deeper than the usual meaning of the word itself.

They say acts of life-appreciation happen only when you start loving yourself and knowing your inner core of beauty first. The way you see your own backbone of significance reflects to what your choices and decisions will be, regarding all trudge of dilemma and tranquility. Trials will always come across your way to polish you, not to make you weaker but even stronger. Only if you let your problems govern yourself all the way, you would miss such wonderful opportunities and blessings and will prevent you from progressing and reaching out. Thus leaving you behind in these nowadays called, a cunning world.

I have been struggling too just like everyone else to identify what are the causes of such emotional and spiritual undertakings (most especially). I also thought that possibly when a person is experiencing a lot of hardships in life, maybe he is not a good person at all. Maybe he still has to undergo it all to improve his behavior. Basically, if problems are really meant to polish a troubled person, so the wandering soul needs to be polished.

Then I remembered the ancient prophets and some latter-day inhabitants. We knew they went through bulks of afflictions in their days. They crossed the vast and stormy seas and traveled on land, even so barefooted. Had been persecuted by mobs and experienced life in such a very awful state. Were brought into exceedingly sore sojourn and hunger. Some were cast out into the fiery fire and were put into agonizing bondage. Others were besieged by the enemy and died.

And the most infinite of all the infinite is the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. He atoned for us, carried on His shoulders the sins of the world so that the heavily burdened will no longer have to go past the needle hole. He went through the most excruciating endeavors that no other human soul could ever bear, I guess you and I wouldn't even just imagine to experience the oppression in our own beings. Everything the Savior did because he loves us unconditionally! And he wanted us to live again just like before up above with our dearest Father in Heaven, who also loves us beyond imperfections! What a beautiful thing to know! Along with His seers, we are all children of God who are striving to become like Him.

So I came to think of it. They weren't bad people at all, yes absolutely without a question! But still they did undergo difficulties in life and managed to overcome. My mind marveled in those principles.

Every being in this world is meant to experience sufferings. We may notice that there are different ways on how our faith will be tested, which testimony centers in our salvation and sometimes depends on how well we understand the doctrines of the gospel. It's only between you and the Lord that know the level of your progression. People may judge you on the outside, but also remember, we all have dissimilar stories in life to care about and what you have now facing in hand isn't everything. It doesn't figure out who you really are as a whole person. Only it is temporarily given to you.

We shouldn't compare ours to the journey of others like weighing of self-worth then developing self-pity because he is more rich or popular, gorgeous and more lovable. You too can be a much better person without following the footsteps of the world, or just plainly without them. In some instances, you might one time be surprised to pass by a stranger who looks so fine on the outward, but unknowingly undergoes some serious health issues. Others could be so jolly around yet we didn't know, subjected to emotional travails. No one is exempted. If you're still having a hard time believing this, come to think of it: Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have placed their trust in you, so full that they quite let some things to happen in your life simply because they know you are a champion and that they definitely believe you can withstand them.

Knowing it all, we shouldn't get anymore sad and discouraged only because we feel as if we are bad people laid with trials. We must understand that the more we encounter them, the more we should be grateful for. A ferocious enemy defeated by a mighty hero in a battle results to agility, strength and power. Same with this. A problem overcame equals to another self-development. So if it happens that we tend to be caught up in between tough situations, just think that we will be polished and grow more with it spiritually and unlimited blessings will be poured upon us. Whenever we confront tribulations, focus more on the purpose behind it which is it could be that the Lord is preparing us for something great to fulfill and testing our faith to prove if we deserve the marvelous blessings he will give us when the time comes.

Relating to what the meaning in the dictionary says when a thing is being polished-- will be rendered finished, refined or elegant, but now, in terms of eternal progression. I want to be polished. I need to be polished.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Day Mission

"Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work." 
-- D&C 4:3

Gotta show you just a few of the photos we took as we went by some of our itineraries:

Holding their cute family cat, at Pres. Edwin and Sister Jacky Bellen's residence.
I believe what I was carrying into my arms and on lap was a Siamese cat. Right?
Pretty and sweet friends of mine. :")
Doing missionary work is one of the best and interesting things we love to indulge ourselves into.
What makes a woman beautiful? It is her soul. Her character. Her substance. Her divine nature. (Women of Virtue)
Riding solo! Wooohooo!
The Sampaguita Ward Missionaries. *Happy to serve! (clap)* LOLS haha.
The same people again, plus the Sister Missionaries from Deparo Ward.
The Sampaguita Ward held a "One Day Mission" activity last April 6, 2012 together with our Elders and Sister Missionaries from Deparo Ward. Of course I wouldn't miss including the people that made the big portion of the day's labor -- The Ward Missionaries (present!). 

We were divided into four groups and were given area assignments. Whoa, I just realized the whole location of the ward was a whale of enormous destinations and could be that we probably needed just another set of missionaries to keep going, a total of four. But here's the news. I unintentionally eavesdropped in a conversation that the mission was already planning for it and bringing about the details. I hope so it would materialize not too soon. We need more helping hands you know! *fingers crossed* Anyhow just leave all those tasks and toils and travails to the Mission President and some AMPs, they can manage. Hahaha :))) Aside other concerns, 'twas a successful day. 

By the way E. Aquino and E. Asetre weren't shown in the picture 'cause after the proselyting they shortly went after to meet their ZLs and some other missionaries for their weekly planning (maybe at the Camarin Chapel), according to them. 

Oh how I love everything about this Lord's work. You don't only have the chance to help people know the truth, but you also happen to learn a bunch of spiritual intelligences and insights that can penetrate deep down your soul. Way to go! Sister Saure, coming soon. Lalala♫  :)