Monday, July 9, 2012

The One Big Rule

One of the most priceless possessions one could ever garner in self is the ability to be obedient. With obedience, you are patient at the same time. It is a one way process. Those two qualities get along very well.

The world may be bound into an endless stream of busy streets full of deafening chatters, hassles and blatant noises, that can possibly run down a person's reverent mind. Sounds gross right? But that's the plain truth. Everywhere, in all the corners, may it be alongside or is just fleeting right in front of you, there will always be a situation when your patience to obey is in a major nuisance to be tested. And your initial reaction once encountered will determine the level of how far your temperance keeps you going.

We may differently show how we will respond into that particular test. Out of the midst, however a sown reward is waiting for you to reap only if you let yourself harbor what God has in store for you. Patience and obedience require much self-control and forbearance even in the smallest details of what we are ought to do all the way. We may sometimes feel like giving up, undeniably it's part of the quest. From the simplest occasions we might tend to murmur and complain with the reason we aren't perfect, right? Yet, have we ever rendered ourselves the question, if we know that one of the purposes why we are here on earth is to become perfect just like our Savior Jesus Christ, how come we rationalize that being imperfect human beings could totally compensate our divine roles as subject to perfectionism? If we always keep on justifying our faults in behalf of our disfigurements and frailties, instead of accepting our flaws and do act than react for the better, do we realize that half or perhaps all of the blessings that we could have been enjoying now primarily come from our choice to obey? Basically, you can perfect your weaknesses too and turn them into strengths if you obey what is right.

Obedience needs personal sacrifices. A sacrifice requires patience to do whatever is necessary for the good. And patience, is essential for us to remain obedient despite life obstacles, in order for us to wholly harvest the fruit of labor out of our sacrifices -- combined all in all bring forth blessings.

Same as well, it could be a tool to determine if we are in the deserving position to receive them. We may knock on to our Heavenly Father to grant us the things that we need the most. On purpose, those might not be instantly given to us. But this shouldn't be a reason to get discouraged. At a point, time requires us to wait until God has finally proven we are patient enough to acquire what we have been asking for. The level of your obedience would also figure out the chances of you, having the blessings. The logic is just simple. If you obey, you will be blessed. If you don't, you have no promise.

"One of the greatest blessings man has is the opportunity to be obedient. All of our blessings flow from obedience."

Obedience is the "First Law in Heaven." To obey is a "One Big Rule" to follow!

He is the source of all wisdom. Sure the Lord knows everything. Including what is best for us. He often permits such things we never expect to happen that will work out in His own purpose and due time. Neither we should question, nor to complain. Let us all be subjected to His will. Only if we separate ourselves from the dwindling outside forces and trust in the Lord with all our heart, might, mind and strength, we are always assured of the surest and best way to handle out things around us. When we rest in our Father in Heaven's hands, we are always safe. :)

P.S. I wrote choosing this topic because I was inspired and prompted to do so. Shortcomings have also hit me which I must work upon. I know that writing down my thoughts here would serve as a basis, a constant reminder. Above are some of the things that I am continually striving to perfect, still.