Sunday, April 15, 2018

She Blogs Again



“For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.” ~ 2 Nephi 28:30

In the scriptures I keep reading that passage. I love the Book of Mormon, to the whole universe and back. Mends back the pieces and revives the dying sunflower inside of me each day I turn my heart into it. Been an avid fan of reading and collecting page-turning fiction books of all time and yet the best read still goes to that book.


For over the years I have learned to forgive and let go of grievances. I cared way too much for everyone. Been so carefully making decisions I needed to make sure no one’s gonna be hurt at all costs, without realizing it was me getting all the pain and there wasn’t any pain relievers. I was very particular of protecting weary hearts and reputations at different levels and yet it was still me enduring all the stabs. I cared too much to the point that I forgot how to take care of mine too.

And as much as I’ve wanted to unpack the heavy baggage, bow and arrows still strike me. I'm thinking of the Atonement.


Take me back to the beach, where my heart belongs. I need a nature remedy.


After Sunday church service hangovers are the best haha. I’ve always loved to fit right on my
alone time and just ponder. It’s kind of personal and sacred to me.

While I was waiting for my Momma’s meeting to end I went my way off to do the usual routine — find a quiet and peaceful spot. Bring out the scriptures, my pen and paper. Take advantage of our chapel’s nice ambiance because of its cozy location. Contemplate.

I realized I’ve been longing and thirsting for a strong spiritual confirmation from the Lord. I miss the temple so much, it’s been months old away since the closing announcement but I’ll see you again on May! ❤️

Etched in my mind too are the opportunities and blessings stated in my patriarchal blessing. I’m just excited to keep on adjusting sails and claim what’s in store for me and my family. These are gems.

(When will I get married anyway?) =) 


So the highlight chapter of this day is Mormon 9. The bottom line: “Miracles cease because of unbelief — Signs follow those who believe.”
