Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happens for a Reason

Maybe for a reason we know and perhaps, we didn't know..

As we embrace the entry of yet another fruitful year, life will transpire again into new horizons. We've met people who tagged along us through thick and thins. Family and good peers to whom we've counted on for countless moments. Everyone who has made boundless changes and has given us opportunities to catch on from what life has to offer. All linked up into one.

Everything happens for a reason. We may not share the same understanding for now but on purpose it's only God who knows. The Lord permits the key to some people to way enter our lives because He knows we will learn from their marked footsteps. He has the matchless ability to assemble puzzle pieces together than we can ever comprehend. Likewise to such things that we are often blindfolded to, unless we recognize them by our hearts.

So let us unleash ourselves from those heartaches and rivalries. Allow the unceasing love and forgiveness be enfolded unto us and to every precious being for a brand new beginning. Au Revoir 2012. Bonjour 2013!

P.S. Granted Octoberian graduate next year plus braces before the year ends. Mission papers possibly in less than two years, I can feel youuu!! (And btw it's David Archuleta's Birthday tomorrow, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAAAY!)