Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Beauty of God's Creation

Summer Vacation 2012 -- Visayas Getaway!
Antique. Aklan.

Touching a pinch of the tiny sand. Feeling inside the warmth of the beaming sunlight. Captivating the heart-warming scenery of a majestic mountain. Looking through the glimmer and spark of a twinkling giant star in a peaceful night. Walking by the shore of a deep blue sea with cool breezes brushing all over the senses. Everything I see provided around shows how immeasurable God's love is for me. Heavenly Father's beautiful and grand creation never fails to amaze me all throughout. I am an appreciator of the nature, animals, species and human beings. Every element made is essential, every detail has its own usage to fulfill His purpose.

Hey! :)) Photos above were courtesy of my phone because I wasn't able to bring a digicam when we left Manila for a while! I don't actually own a DSLR so be it there weren't pictures with closer mm ranges and blurred backgrounds haha. I was also a bit lazy to take some with adjacent views and perfect angles, perhaps due to my phone's lack of good zooming and focusing ability like of a pro cam. xD Or probably, because the nature surrounding was just too breath-taking that I didn't anymore mind to. Just enjoy everything the eyes can see! :DD However I think I could still use my press freedom for doing such (lol!), I was shortly taught aside writing concentration in our Journalism class during high school the different techniques and angles for taking snapshots like the rule of thirds, silhouette etc. But still no good photographer at all, I know! Hahaha. Plain landscape photos (plus some color edits). :)

Btw I already uploaded these on Facebook in an album. But just for the sake of having a new blog post, I put all of it here. :)) If you would see mostly were "sea" shots because our itineraries there were mainly places like beaches, falls and just a little of land (but look, I put a picture of the mountains I saw when I climbed up a hill). I even included a photo of some fresh fishes we caught when we were at the Maralison Island, Antique. Really sorry for this. :( Fishes and also the crabs, shrimps and shellfish should just understand that they were basically made and meant to be killed and be eaten by humans like me. Oh dear high-sources-of-iodine-and-protein-creatures. Most of the time their life span is depending on the fishermen sailing at the sea. They don't have the control over their lives on until when they will only live and will actually die! :'(( Saaaaaaaad. >.<


Anyway here's one of my all-time favorite primary songs entitled "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" which is about appreciating God's creation:
