Monday, April 23, 2012

Who Needs to be Polished?

The word "polish." According to a dictionary reference on the internet I found its literal meaning: to make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing of friction; to render finished, refined or elegant. While some may interconnect this word for the use of objects, I might as well use this but not for the sake of polishing my nails or the floor with a wax. Neither to burnish the brass doorknob or to embellish my face like banged with synthetic beauty products. Instead, I will be talking about something deeper than the usual meaning of the word itself.

They say acts of life-appreciation happen only when you start loving yourself and knowing your inner core of beauty first. The way you see your own backbone of significance reflects to what your choices and decisions will be, regarding all trudge of dilemma and tranquility. Trials will always come across your way to polish you, not to make you weaker but even stronger. Only if you let your problems govern yourself all the way, you would miss such wonderful opportunities and blessings and will prevent you from progressing and reaching out. Thus leaving you behind in these nowadays called, a cunning world.

I have been struggling too just like everyone else to identify what are the causes of such emotional and spiritual undertakings (most especially). I also thought that possibly when a person is experiencing a lot of hardships in life, maybe he is not a good person at all. Maybe he still has to undergo it all to improve his behavior. Basically, if problems are really meant to polish a troubled person, so the wandering soul needs to be polished.

Then I remembered the ancient prophets and some latter-day inhabitants. We knew they went through bulks of afflictions in their days. They crossed the vast and stormy seas and traveled on land, even so barefooted. Had been persecuted by mobs and experienced life in such a very awful state. Were brought into exceedingly sore sojourn and hunger. Some were cast out into the fiery fire and were put into agonizing bondage. Others were besieged by the enemy and died.

And the most infinite of all the infinite is the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. He atoned for us, carried on His shoulders the sins of the world so that the heavily burdened will no longer have to go past the needle hole. He went through the most excruciating endeavors that no other human soul could ever bear, I guess you and I wouldn't even just imagine to experience the oppression in our own beings. Everything the Savior did because he loves us unconditionally! And he wanted us to live again just like before up above with our dearest Father in Heaven, who also loves us beyond imperfections! What a beautiful thing to know! Along with His seers, we are all children of God who are striving to become like Him.

So I came to think of it. They weren't bad people at all, yes absolutely without a question! But still they did undergo difficulties in life and managed to overcome. My mind marveled in those principles.

Every being in this world is meant to experience sufferings. We may notice that there are different ways on how our faith will be tested, which testimony centers in our salvation and sometimes depends on how well we understand the doctrines of the gospel. It's only between you and the Lord that know the level of your progression. People may judge you on the outside, but also remember, we all have dissimilar stories in life to care about and what you have now facing in hand isn't everything. It doesn't figure out who you really are as a whole person. Only it is temporarily given to you.

We shouldn't compare ours to the journey of others like weighing of self-worth then developing self-pity because he is more rich or popular, gorgeous and more lovable. You too can be a much better person without following the footsteps of the world, or just plainly without them. In some instances, you might one time be surprised to pass by a stranger who looks so fine on the outward, but unknowingly undergoes some serious health issues. Others could be so jolly around yet we didn't know, subjected to emotional travails. No one is exempted. If you're still having a hard time believing this, come to think of it: Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have placed their trust in you, so full that they quite let some things to happen in your life simply because they know you are a champion and that they definitely believe you can withstand them.

Knowing it all, we shouldn't get anymore sad and discouraged only because we feel as if we are bad people laid with trials. We must understand that the more we encounter them, the more we should be grateful for. A ferocious enemy defeated by a mighty hero in a battle results to agility, strength and power. Same with this. A problem overcame equals to another self-development. So if it happens that we tend to be caught up in between tough situations, just think that we will be polished and grow more with it spiritually and unlimited blessings will be poured upon us. Whenever we confront tribulations, focus more on the purpose behind it which is it could be that the Lord is preparing us for something great to fulfill and testing our faith to prove if we deserve the marvelous blessings he will give us when the time comes.

Relating to what the meaning in the dictionary says when a thing is being polished-- will be rendered finished, refined or elegant, but now, in terms of eternal progression. I want to be polished. I need to be polished.